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You have
unlocked the door

to new possibilities for your family.

“It often takes just a single brave person to change the trajectory of a family, or of any system, for that matter”

-Brene Brown, Rising Strong

Thank you for being here.

What do you hope most for your family? What are your dreams? What is concerning you?

Most parents seek a healthier and stronger connection with their kids. Regardless of our children being tweens, teens, young adults or adults, we want the best for our children, and we want our children to be the best they can be.

If you are here, there may be something getting in the way of a healthy family dynamic.

It is times like these that hopeful and determined parents seek guidance to grow and change to meet the needs of their family.

Many parents go through challenges and want to reconnect with their child. If you are having any of these experiences, you are not alone: 

You feel shut out of your tween’s life, disconnected, and craving the togetherness you once had
You’re starting to see that the problems are not just at home, as you get more feedback and calls from teachers, coaches, and other adults in your teen’s life
If you hear one more slammed door or one-word answer, you’re going to scream
Frustrated that as a blended family, you are not coming together the way you had hoped
Overwhelmed, anxious, and out of control

is a space of non-judgment. I honor that you are seeking someone to walk with you on this part of your parenting path.

rest assured,

You are not a bad parent.

If we think of rearing a family as a house, it is natural that you built your parenting style on the teachings, learnings, and disciplining you inherited from your own family system. In our homes, we need maintenance to keep things from becoming dilapidated. Likewise, we need adjustments in our family systems.  

Yet, as children grow and their lives become more complex, that familiar house can start to show cracks in the foundation. Walls between you go up where you do not want them. Feelings of tightness, anxiety, panic, and depression might be present.

Now it is time to make the house your own, and to grow in parallel with your children.

Parenting is an opportunity for the kind of personal growth and evolution that benefits everyone.

Working together, we can unmask, recreate and heal by allowing ourselves to embark on deep inquiry: Where do we as parents need to grow, to make our children feel safe, and held? What steps can we take to rebuild, from the foundation up? What actions and beliefs can we change to create a healthier family culture?  How can we give ourselves the same grace and compassion we give others, so we can develop as parents?

The fact that you are here reading this and seeking support on your parenting journey means that you are willing to grow in parallel with your child.

You’re in the right place. Let’s work together to bring peace to your parenting.

When you do the work on yourself that allows you to grow with your child, so much is possible:

Your adolescent knows how important they really are and truly experiences the love you feel for them.
You become your child’s trusted go-to in life. They feel safe to come to you for help, information, and guidance in how to navigate life.
The pressure and perfectionism of parenting is released so you can experience joy, love, and connection.
Your teens share their inner world with you, beyond a short “Fine” when you ask about their day.
You can gracefully pivot and move into new spaces with your adult child in a way that supports them in being a healthy adult.

It is never too late to change a family dynamic, and I celebrate that you are here, willing to be the brave one who can change your family system.

What can I expect?

There are two main ways we walk together: Parenting-focused Therapy, and/or Family Therapy.

In parent counseling and coaching, I work with the parent (or parents) to work through the areas of growth in their own evolution. The client then brings this work back to the family unit.

In family therapy, all members of the family attend sessions. We work together in the family system to create change. In family counseling and therapy, relationship building is a crucial element in our work.

Based on your unique circumstances, we may combine parenting, family, and individual sessions to best serve you or your entire family, in a personalized treatment plan.

Remember: It only takes one brave person to impact a family dynamic.

Simply schedule an initial phone call with me, and we’ll find the personalized treatment plan that’s right for you.

Some of

the books

my clients find helpful

No Drama Discipline by Daniel Siegel and Tina Bryson
Beautiful Boy by David Sheff
How to Really Love your Adult Child by Ross Campbell, MD & Gary Chapman, MD

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